I have been training with Sifu Kelly for 7 1/2 years and I can tell you if you want to learn real self defense to protect your family, friends and people who can't defend themselves. I am getting my black belt …..
Master Kelly is one of the most experienced and complete instructors I have ever worked with. He is also great with my kids and he is a light-hearten and fun guy. Don't let that fool you though he was taught by the great masters of the east in pretty much every martial art known. If you just …….
Principle based instruction providing for a good foundation in martial arts. Sifu Kelly may be a little bit quirky, but once you get to know him better that becomes an endearing quality, especially for some one who has devoted his life to the martial arts. It is true…..
I trained with Sifu Kelly for many years, his knowledge and skill in multiple arts is unmatched by anyone I have ever met. He is a sponge of knowledge and his technique flows like water. Sifu's accomplished were born from his love and dedication to martial arts and a lifetime of hard work, there are no mailbox certifications here.
Whether you are looking for self defense, competition, or just physical well being, this is the place to be…..
Not your usual martial arts. He takes a very old-style approach, unlike your typical gym martial arts. The teacher, Martin Kelly, is very experienced in a variety of martial arts. His teaching is very thorough and best learned at an enjoyable pace. This is probably one of the best martial arts I have studied. I ventured out to learn more and 100% recommend at least trying out this style of martial arts to see if it works with you.

As a student learning Taiji, I'm giving a full "five stars" to Master Martin Kelly's instructional DVD, "Chen Taijiquan 48 Posture."
I highly recommend this DVD to anyone wishing to learn, or improve their practice of Chen style Taiji. Martin's demonstration videos on this DVD clearly and slowly demonstrate how he performs this classic style, with emphasis not only on the various postures, but also on the flow of movement he uses to transition through the entire series.